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Return To Lourdes

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Return To Lourdes Empty Return To Lourdes

Post by hound dog Sun May 15, 2011 7:32 pm

There is refreshment in changing residences. So, when we returned to Ajjic after a few months in San Cristóbal de Las Casa we were thrillled - not because Ajijic is a preferable place but simply because it is vastly different than Highland Chiapas for better or worse. But, I must say that San Cristóbal and Ajijic have assets not to be duplicated in the other. San Cristòbal has a vast indigenous market supplied seasonally by local Maya villagers living in the surrounding mountainsides and the astonishing variety of fresh produce for sale in the indigenoius market two blocks from our home there is a great local treasure not even closely duplicated by the phony tianguis periodically open in Ajijic. Chapala and Jocotepec including the "organic" market recently moved to that mall in Ajijic. No comparison.

However, San Antonio does have the most splendid market in all of Mexico and that is the magnificent Super Lake and when Dawg visited there today, I was in heaven. In less that an hour, Dawg blew away every dime he saved in the indigenous market in San Cristóbal in four months but while there was a lack of fine homegrown greens and turnips and beets and you name it at Super Lake, Dawg brought home a plethora of fancy goods of all stripes so this is to say, Thank God For Variety.
hound dog
hound dog
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Return To Lourdes Empty Re: Return To Lourdes

Post by Uncle Jack Mon May 16, 2011 6:00 pm

".....Dawg brought home a plethora of fancy goods of all stripes so this is to say, Thank God For Variety."

Has the healing begun?

Uncle Jack
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Return To Lourdes Empty Re: Return To Lourdes

Post by hound dog Mon May 16, 2011 7:48 pm

Uncle Jack wrote:".....Dawg brought home a plethora of fancy goods of all stripes so this is to say, Thank God For Variety."

Has the healing begun?


You are an amusing fellow, Jack. Dawg, for one, misses your sorry ass.
hound dog
hound dog
Bad Dawg
Bad Dawg

Posts : 2067
Join date : 2010-04-06

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