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My Dog Killed

Lady Otter Latté
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My Dog Killed - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dog Killed

Post by itsme Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:10 am

This has been horrifying to read, I cannot imagine what it was like to live through it and I do feel your pain and anguish.

Please give us the description of the driver, the truck and plate number so we may watch for it and protect our pets from the same fate. Someone may know who and where this person lives and can also make that information public.

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My Dog Killed - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dog Killed

Post by Mainecoons Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:45 am

I'm very very sad about your loss. At our age, most of us far from families, our pets really become close companions. Your tragedy serves as a reminder to all of us to keep close watch on our little friends and not let them wander into places where some sociopath can kill them for sport.

These days, neither your kids or pets are safe no matter how rural the area. I used to think I was paranoid but now it is clear there are a lot of folks "out to get" us, including our pets.
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My Dog Killed - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dog Killed

Post by Guest Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:55 am

itsme wrote:This has been horrifying to read, I cannot imagine what it was like to live through it and I do feel your pain and anguish.

Please give us the description of the driver, the truck and plate number
so we may watch for it and protect our pets from the same fate. Someone may know who and where this person lives and can also make that information public.

The truck is a bright red and has a hard cover over the bed. There is a rear seat. The license number is Jalisco JT 10 634. I was in a panic and did not notice if it was a two or 4 door but it had a spacious interior. The woman was a Mexican and so was he female riding shotgun There were assorted kids in the back seat. It was a newer looking vehicle without the usual dents and dings.

They could be visiting for the weekend since it was a Saturday or, since they were exercising the German Shepherd, they may live here and I will find them with time if they do. I will wait for the criminal justice system to work first.


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