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Mexican Drivers License

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Mexican Drivers License Empty Mexican Drivers License

Post by mikey1953 Sat Apr 28, 2012 6:45 pm

What are the requirements for renewing a Mexican Drivers License. Mine expires next month and I need to know what I need to do and where I go to do it. Do I have to take the driving test and written test again or just the eye test? Can I get it in Chapala or do I have to go to Guadalajara? What is the cost? When I got the license intitially, I had someone help me through the process. Do I need to look for assistance again? Thanks for any help you can share.

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Mexican Drivers License Empty Re: Mexican Drivers License

Post by papirex Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:11 pm

Drivers licenses are issued by the states here, and the locations and requirements vary, from simple, to complex, to impossible, there are two states that will not issue a drivers license to a non-Mexican citizen. Where I live, a drivers license needs to be renewed every year for a non-citizen. There are no tests of any kind here, not even any physical, blood, or vision tests. You will need to say where you are living to get any accurate feedback.


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Mexican Drivers License Empty Re: Mexican Drivers License

Post by sparks Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:34 pm

I would imagine a renewal would be easier than the first ... and may only require paying for it. I paid at the local Recaudadora Municipal and took that receipt to the local Validad office. I'm sure there must be both in Chapala.

My Jalisco licence is good for four years
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