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Water Shortage

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Water Shortage Empty Water Shortage

Post by Plan B Thu May 16, 2024 10:31 am

“There is no cause that has to do with the problem of supply sources, neither the Chapala system, nor the well system, nor the Río Verde dam system, particularly the Calderón dam. That is to say, the problem was an electrical problem that caused transformers to crash and that generated that when we were stabilizing the system, we must understand that when we say the transformers were repaired, not automatically, it means that the water is already there, it is, the transformer is repaired. and then the pumping begins to bring water from Chapala and then you have to stabilize the systems and carry out the distribution process, they are long processes. Imagine what it meant when the transformers thundered for three days in a row. So it was a serious problem that had to do with an electrical issue totally unrelated to our responsibilities, a matter of a federal commission, but a local commission also supported us and had a quick response that must be recognized,” Alfaro explained.
Plan B
Plan B
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