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Another lesson learned and a happy thing for Lady O

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Another lesson learned and a happy thing for Lady O Empty Another lesson learned and a happy thing for Lady O

Post by Problem Child Thu Mar 07, 2019 8:58 am

I originally had the idea of doing the benches at the Malacon in Chapala. I said I wanted people to help me volunteering their time. I got offers of $$, but turned them down.

Bob said that was a great idea and what Ajijic needed, so he jumped in and did a stellar job getting donations. Really good people jumped on the bandwagon with donations; standard donations were $1,000 as far as I saw.

Even though I have only been to the Ajijic Malacon 2-3X, I tossed $1,500 into the pot.

I thought maybe if there was going to be some official opening, every person who donated would get an email and maybe an invite to any photo op.

I was wrong. I never was told of the "Grand Opening."

No one turned up their nose at my money; it was taken happily.

Good job and kudos to all, especially Bob for his time and effort.

I'm funding the Chapala Malanco bench project myself. Maybe I'll get a photo op with the mayor and a 1/" note on page 4 of the Reporter.

Problem Child
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Another lesson learned and a happy thing for Lady O Empty Re: Another lesson learned and a happy thing for Lady O

Post by doc holiday Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:10 am

You deserve more than that and hats off to you for what you have done for the entire community

doc holiday
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Another lesson learned and a happy thing for Lady O Empty Re: Another lesson learned and a happy thing for Lady O

Post by gpbasap Thu Mar 07, 2019 11:01 am


Don't you have a wife you could obsess over?

You seem to be getting more paranoid. Maybe an adjustment in medication is in order.
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Another lesson learned and a happy thing for Lady O Empty Re: Another lesson learned and a happy thing for Lady O

Post by Problem Child Fri Mar 08, 2019 9:04 am

gpbasap wrote:-another-lesson-learned-and-a-happy-thing-for-lady-o

Don't you have a wife you could obsess over?

You seem to be getting more paranoid. Maybe an adjustment in medication is in order.

What fascinates me is, to use your word, is how some people are obsessive in displaying their need (and this is the operative word) to make nasty comments and judgments of others. They ignore the rarely enforced rule of keeping on topic. They actually have this driven and manifest need to make personal attacks. I could venture opinions on these people, but I won't.

If you really wanted to express your opinions to/about someone, that has nothing to do with the subject of the post, you could, as the rules say, take it to the Octagon, or send a PM. However, that wouldn't give you as much attention as you clearly clearly want and need. I think/feel it's great to disagree with someone's opinions and to express that disagreement, but why the need for personal disparagement? Have you met that person personally?

I read a great signature/tag line recently, it might have been on this board that I will paraphrase and add to: The story of a persons life is like a book, and you may only know a few of the many chapters.

I suggest that some time when you wake at 0300, thinking what nasty, personal comments you can make to/about someone, you try doing some intersection about your need to get attention and be nasty.

We're on final now: You would be surprised how many PMs I have received saying to ignore certain people on this board who make personal attacks; they are the ones with bigger problems.

Feel free to PM me or make a post in the Octagon, either way, you will be disappointed because I won't name call. I will respect in a manner of courtesy, no matter my inner feelings.

I wish this board had a rule of "No personal attacks outside of the Octagon."

May The Fates give us both, everything we deserve.

The above is respectfully of course.

Problem Child
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Another lesson learned and a happy thing for Lady O Empty Re: Another lesson learned and a happy thing for Lady O

Post by gpbasap Sun Mar 10, 2019 3:16 pm

SMH and giggling at the same time. Thanks for the insight to your fantasies.
Respectfully of course.
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Another lesson learned and a happy thing for Lady O Empty Re: Another lesson learned and a happy thing for Lady O

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