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El Dorado Condominium lawsuit won by condominium owners after 7 year legal battle - pt3

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El Dorado Condominium lawsuit won by condominium owners after 7 year legal battle - pt3 Empty El Dorado Condominium lawsuit won by condominium owners after 7 year legal battle - pt3

Post by Lamontf Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:45 pm

This is a report of the final result of the lawsuits against the illegal assemblies of the Compound Condominium that was held in March, 2011

III.- What does the amparo granted to the condomin owners and denied to Inmobiliaria El Tepalo S.A. de C.V. and Sicom Blue S.C. mean?
The first consequence is that everything in the assemblies of the Compound Condominium of 2011 were found null, thus:
1.- SICOM BLUE S.C . is not the administrator of the Compound Condominium.
2.- The administrative board designated at the ordinary assembly of the Compound Condominium of 2011, is not the administrative board of the Compound Condominium.
3.- Every assembly of the Compound Condominium celebrated posterior to that is null.
4.- The Compound Condominium (and therefore all the common areas that it includes), have exclusively habitational use, except for the privative Unit 1, so that independently of all dictators, and the use of the condominium in general habitacional plurifamiliar (General Multifamiliar Habitation) , pursuant to the fourth clause, of the constitution of the condominium in 2007, and article 3, of the General Regulation of the Compound Condominium "El Dorado." independently of the existence of any opinion of strokes and land use, because the constitution of the condominium and its current regulations of 2007, are those which govern the interior of it.
5.- Any attempt to modify the 2007 by-laws of the Compound Condominium and the condominal units is null and therefore the original by laws of 2007 are the only ones valid.
6.- The alleged and illegal debts recognized in the assemblies of 2011, do not have any validity.
7.- The quotas and consequences determined in these assemblies and subsequent assemblies, do not have legal validity.


Posts : 4
Join date : 2013-03-09

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