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Inteeresting story

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Inteeresting story Empty Inteeresting story

Post by Clueless Tue Feb 06, 2018 6:56 pm

$72,000 medical bill in Mexico for tourist

I'm not doubted that the surgery was needed, and probably saved the woman's life.

I can't understand the embassy telling the kids not go come and get the lady but save the $$ to pay the medical bill.

I remember, possibly Spencer, saying a hospital can't stop someone from leaving because the bill isn't paid up.

Sad story.
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Inteeresting story Empty Re: Inteeresting story

Post by gringal Wed Feb 07, 2018 9:57 am

More easily said than done.  Several years ago, a helpful neighbor took her neighbor to Hospital del Carmen, where the neighbor died in the ER.
The good Samaritan was given a hard time by the hospital when she was unwilling to pay the bill.  A relative did fly down and took care of it, but what a PITA experience.
Having had the hospital experience recently (last week) at another Guad hospital, I know that my husband had to sign his life away at the reception desk on multiple sheets, and since my old Good Samaritan friend was not a good Spanish speaker and/or may or may not have understood what she was signing, that may be the reason they could hassle her.

BTW, I'm fine.  It was an overnight stay for a newer procedure by a neurosurgeon who, hopefully, fixed three bad disks in my back which have made me miserable for years and gotten in the way of life, badly.  I get the stitches out next week.  Anyone with back problems who, like me, isn't willing to face the idea of full out orthopedic surgery under a general anesthetic, can get the name and more information by PM'ing me.  If this worked, it's the next thing to a milagro.
I had heard all about full orthopedic surgery from my recently passed away friend David. He had it done several years ago by the best. It was a long hospital stay and six months of physical therapy before he could play his beloved golf again. At least he did have a pretty good run with it for the last years.

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Inteeresting story Empty Re: Inteeresting story

Post by K2tog Wed Feb 07, 2018 10:08 am

gringal wrote:More easily said than done.  Several years ago, a helpful neighbor took her neighbor to Hospital del Carmen, where the neighbor died in the ER.
The good Samaritan was given a hard time by the hospital when she was unwilling to pay the bill.  A relative did fly down and took care of it, but what a PITA experience.
Having had the hospital experience recently (last week) at another Guad hospital, I know that my husband had to sign his life away at the reception desk on multiple sheets, and since my old Good Samaritan friend was not a good Spanish speaker and/or may or may not have understood what she was signing, that may be the reason they could hassle her.

BTW, I'm fine.  It was an overnight stay for a newer procedure by a neurosurgeon who, hopefully, fixed three bad disks in my back which have made me miserable for years and gotten in the way of life, badly.  I get the stitches out next week.  Anyone with back problems who, like me, isn't willing to face the idea of full out orthopedic surgery under a general anesthetic, can get the name and more information by PM'ing me.  If this worked, it's the next thing to a milagro.
I had heard all about full orthopedic surgery from my recently passed away friend David. He had it done several years ago by the best. It was a long hospital stay and six months of physical therapy before he could play his beloved golf again.   At  least he did have a pretty good run with it for the last years.

Are you talking about Pattie Mee?
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Inteeresting story Empty Re: Inteeresting story

Post by gringal Wed Feb 07, 2018 10:18 am

No. Her name was Harriett. She moved back NOB since. Family.

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