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Any returnees to Ajijic help bring a stroller for Rosario?

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Any returnees to Ajijic help bring a stroller for Rosario? Empty Any returnees to Ajijic help bring a stroller for Rosario?

Post by TrueBrit Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:02 pm

We are going to buy some stuff (a stroller, baby carrier, feeding stuff - not food) for Rosario, the little six year old blind and paralyzed girl in Ajijic.  The items that we want and would be suitable for her are not available in Mexico and the cost of importing and shipping is as much as the stroller (which in this case is expensive).  We are going to get them from Amazon and can be shipped to any address in the US (or perhaps Canada).  If you have room and for them and don't mind declaring them as your own personal belongings, please PM me.
Someone gave me the name of someone who makes runs to the border and will bring stuff back from a pick-up point on the US side of the border.  I called and left a message, but as yet no answer.  If anyone knows of anyone who does this sort of thing let me know.  It can't be as expensive as the commercial carriers.
And if anyone has had experience of doing something similar, could you let me know.

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Any returnees to Ajijic help bring a stroller for Rosario? Empty Re: Any returnees to Ajijic help bring a stroller for Rosario?

Post by wildharp Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:52 pm

Did you look on Amazon Mx? They have several there. Range of around 2000-4000ish pesos if that's comparable to those you're looking at.
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Any returnees to Ajijic help bring a stroller for Rosario? Empty Re: Any returnees to Ajijic help bring a stroller for Rosario?

Post by Twonk Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:32 pm

Alex Peterson does runs from the border and if you explain the situation maybe he would give you a good price. He is a very nice guy, and can be reached at 333.577.7765

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Any returnees to Ajijic help bring a stroller for Rosario? Empty Re: Any returnees to Ajijic help bring a stroller for Rosario?

Post by TrueBrit Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:23 am

I think Alex was the guy I tried to call and didn't receive an answer. I'll try again.

Wildharp - Rosario's condition and the streets of Ajijic led us to the Bob Stroller Pro. It is not available on Amazon Mx. There is a summit 3, which is not quite as good, but would be acceptable. It costs 7000pesos and with shipping duty, etc, it bumps it to 9400pesos - which would be more expensive than the better Bob stroller. Assuming I can get it here for a reasonable price.

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Any returnees to Ajijic help bring a stroller for Rosario? Empty Re: Any returnees to Ajijic help bring a stroller for Rosario?

Post by Twonk Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:37 am

Alex may be on the road and couldn't get the call for some reason. He is very reliable with email, always responds within a day or two. Try that. apet.rapidpack "at"

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