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Excellent comments about the 'TOB' restrictions about what you can and cannot post on their board

espíritu del lago
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Excellent comments about the 'TOB' restrictions about what you can and cannot post on their board Empty Excellent comments about the 'TOB' restrictions about what you can and cannot post on their board

Post by suegarn Thu Apr 16, 2015 5:16 pm

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Excellent comments about the 'TOB' restrictions about what you can and cannot post on their board Empty Re: Excellent comments about the 'TOB' restrictions about what you can and cannot post on their board

Post by espíritu del lago Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:20 pm

I remember that! True story ...
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Excellent comments about the 'TOB' restrictions about what you can and cannot post on their board Empty Re: Excellent comments about the 'TOB' restrictions about what you can and cannot post on their board

Post by slainte39 Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:09 pm

TOB alright, as this board didn't exist ten years ago.
The fish or water from the Lake aren't everybody's cup of tea but not that deadly.
He is as disgruntled and grouchy as the people he is complaining about, as sees them through his "special" lenses.

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Excellent comments about the 'TOB' restrictions about what you can and cannot post on their board Empty Re: Excellent comments about the 'TOB' restrictions about what you can and cannot post on their board

Post by gringal Fri Apr 17, 2015 10:55 am

They backed off from that position at some point recently since it was obviously counter-productive as well as ridiculous.

Maybe doctors should be off limits except for PM's, since their ethics prevent them from telling their side of the story. Restaurants and other businesses can, and certainly are, able to defend and puff to their hearts' content.
Rolling Eyes

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Excellent comments about the 'TOB' restrictions about what you can and cannot post on their board Empty Re: Excellent comments about the 'TOB' restrictions about what you can and cannot post on their board

Post by Lady Otter Latté Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:11 am

That thread was on He was so hostile, insulting and offensive that I clearly remember him and the thread. He also used language that isn't even allowed here outside of the Octagon much less on
It is not often I agree with mods on TOB but whoever bounced this guy was absolutely correct to do so. He is no innocent victim.
Lady Otter Latté
Lady Otter Latté
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Excellent comments about the 'TOB' restrictions about what you can and cannot post on their board Empty Re: Excellent comments about the 'TOB' restrictions about what you can and cannot post on their board

Post by viajero Fri Apr 17, 2015 12:18 pm

Lady Otter Latté wrote:That thread was on He was so hostile, insulting and offensive that I clearly remember him and the thread. He also used language that isn't even allowed here outside of the Octagon much less on
It is not often I agree with mods on TOB but whoever bounced this guy was absolutely correct to do so. He is no innocent victim.
Yeah,I remember that thread,it was interesting and inoffensive, but when the moron,lakeside7, insulted him he went ballistic,hence the banishment.

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Excellent comments about the 'TOB' restrictions about what you can and cannot post on their board Empty Re: Excellent comments about the 'TOB' restrictions about what you can and cannot post on their board

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