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Magic Jack Plus has died

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Magic Jack Plus has died Empty Magic Jack Plus has died

Post by shana Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:32 pm

I believe my Magic Jack Plus has died.  Does anyone have one I can buy?  I am desperate to get a new one pronto.

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Magic Jack Plus has died Empty Re: Magic Jack Plus has died

Post by Intercasa Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:04 pm

Mine died too but it was fixed by plugging it into the computer, they get hot when plugged into an outlet, have you tried that?
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Magic Jack Plus has died Empty Re: Magic Jack Plus has died

Post by Grizzy Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:06 pm

Intercasa wrote:Mine died too but it was fixed by plugging it into the computer, they get hot when plugged into an outlet, have you tried that?

Ditto. They fry when plugged into modem and outlet. Try using it on the computer. Pain in the ass but I expect next to nothing from them.
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Magic Jack Plus has died Empty Re: Magic Jack Plus has died

Post by phxfunguy Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:10 pm

My original Magic Jack from 2010 died last year during the rainy season with a few power outages in spite of having it connected to a voltage regulator and a surge protector.  I'd read that their phone support was lousy but that the online chat was fine which I tried.  The chat person (probably in India) came online quite fast I thought and had me plug the unit into my laptop.  He had me click to a couple of screens and read what it said back to him, quickly determined that it had been fried by unstable electricity, and for $10 sent me a new one to my Laredo address.  I was charged $130 pesos duty on it but it arrived in about 10 days which includes the delay in passage through aduana. While the land line dead I used the MJ app on my smartphone, or one could also use Skype.  I just emailed my few frequent callers and told them not to worry if I didn't answer as fast as they were used to.  If you don't have a smartphone you can put the app on your computer or tablet too for interim use.

I was surprised that they'd warranty the unit 3 years after I bought it but I've paid for 5 years of service in advance, so maybe that makes a difference.  Another friend had his MJPlus fried last year and they sent him the newly released MJ2014 for the $10 charge as well.
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Magic Jack Plus has died Empty Re: Magic Jack Plus has died

Post by Ezzie Sun Jul 20, 2014 5:38 pm

Just a suggestion. Mine died awhile ago as well and it turned out to be the power adapter had failed (the small black cube you plug into the wall that has a USB port on the other side). I just happened to have a spare 120VAC to USB adapter and it got me up and running again. These power adapters are available at places like Steren, Wal-Mart, etc. for not many pesos - might be worth a try.

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Magic Jack Plus has died Empty Re: Magic Jack Plus has died

Post by shana Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:28 pm

Hi All,
Thank you so much for your advice. I tried putting the MJ into a USB port but nada.
What customer service address did you log on to as I have seen a few and tried one with no lluck. It wouldn't even respond.
I am well beyond the 3 year warranty but have about 6 or 7 years of service paid fo rMJ Plusand about 300 minutes for international calls.
I do have a possible new MJ Plus that I have found but the price is steep. I will buy it if my computer guy can't get this one going or if I can get on customer service and they offer me a reasonably priced replacement.
Any other suggestions are welcome.

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Magic Jack Plus has died Empty Re: Magic Jack Plus has died

Post by shana Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:30 pm

Ezzie nailed it. It was the adaptor. I checked all my adaptors. The one to charge my phone was the winner. I plugged it in and voila, I was back in business.
Tomorrow I will go to Steren and buy another adaptor.
You guys are great.

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Magic Jack Plus has died Empty Re: Magic Jack Plus has died

Post by phxfunguy Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:33 pm

shana wrote:Hi All,
Thank you so much for your advice.  I tried putting the MJ into a USB port but nada.
What customer service address did you log on to as I have seen a few and tried one with no lluck.  It wouldn't even respond.
I am well beyond the 3 year warranty but have about 6 or 7 years of service paid fo rMJ  Plusand  about 300 minutes for international calls.
I do have a possible new MJ Plus that I have found but the price is steep.  I will buy it if my computer guy can't get this one going or if I can get on customer service and they offer me a reasonably priced replacement.
Any other suggestions are welcome.

Great to hear you've found your fix. For any who would need to chat with the live help person, here is how:
I went to the MJ website, clicked on support at the top, then through the first menu of things to try, and on the second menu of more things to check out, you get a yellow bar to click on for live help.  They've already closed for today, Sunday (7 PM EST) so try tomorrow after 8 AM if anything new pops up.
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