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Looking for a golfer to play Atlas

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Looking for a golfer to play Atlas Empty Looking for a golfer to play Atlas

Post by Centavo Wed Jan 01, 2014 6:51 pm

Happy New Year to All,

I am looking for a golfer, either male or female, who would like to golf fulltime at Atlas Golf and Country Club in Guadalajara.

I own the membership and so the only fee that the person would pay would be 2100 pesos per month, plus the cost of a cart if they so choose to use one.

This gives the golfer a chance to golf as much as they want during the week, but not on the weekends.

So, for about 170 dollars a month, you are able to play golf at a premier 18 hole golf course without putting out the money for a membership.
(Right now a membership costs about 60000 pesos.)

Please send me a PM if you are interested or know of anyone who might be interested. Or if you have more questions.

Thanks and here is wishing you fantastic golf in 2014.


Posts : 4
Join date : 2014-01-01

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