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Lake City Resort

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Lake City Resort - Page 2 Empty Re: Lake City Resort

Post by Lady Otter Latté Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:59 am

I have been hearing the same arguments for large developments in cities all of my life. In most if not all all cases, here is what happens. The developers get rich and leave, on to the next big project and jackpot. Most workers end up in minimum wage jobs. All the ptoblems get dealt with in ways that turn the city into something unreconizable --or not at all. Other problems no one ever considered pop up and tax payers end up footing the bills. The keeping of promises disappears along with the developers and the big money profits. Eventually, the city is left with deteriorating infrastructure and wondering how to salvage this hulking mess not doing anything close to the visions produced during the sell-it-to-the-populace stage.
So, no, I do not get all dreamy-eyed when discussions like this come up.

Lady Otter Latté
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Lake City Resort - Page 2 Empty Re: Lake City Resort

Post by slainte39 Sat Sep 12, 2015 12:48 pm

Not always Lady O.
In my lifetime, I can remember when Puerto Vallarta, Cancun, Las Vegas, NV, and quite a few other places,  were places no one would hardly go to or even  knew existed (late 1940's).  Look at them now, supporting hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people in employment.
Not saying that would happen here but you can't rule it out either and all tourist developments don't go bust or face certain disaster.
Orlando, FL; Key West, FL; Cabo San Lucas. BCS; to mention a few others.  If someone had told me in 1960 that PV would look like it does today, I would have said, "absolutely, no way that will ever happen".

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Lake City Resort - Page 2 Empty Re: Lake City Resort

Post by Lady Otter Latté Sat Sep 12, 2015 1:03 pm

I agree, Slainte. Just saying there are other sides to all those coins. And, also, Lakeside is not PV.
At any rate, I will not be here to see whatever lakeside becomes. If some of the places you have mentioned are models of that, I am just as glad.
Lady Otter Latté
Lady Otter Latté
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Lake City Resort - Page 2 Empty Re: Lake City Resort

Post by gringal Sat Sep 12, 2015 1:11 pm

Lady Otter Latté wrote:I agree, Slainte. Just saying there are other sides to all those coins. And, also, Lakeside is not PV.
At any rate, I will not be here to see whatever lakeside becomes. If some of the places you have mentioned are models of that, I am just as glad.

There is one thing missing at Lakeside that those other places have:  an ocean.  Lakes just aren't the same.  Nice, but not quite a cigar. On the plus side, we don't get hurricanes. Very Happy

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Lake City Resort - Page 2 Empty Re: Lake City Resort

Post by Flamingo Sat Sep 12, 2015 1:27 pm

All too often, in my experience, Lady O is right. Especially for small towns. Gambling resorts don't exactly attract a desirable group of people - as owners or as clients.

Before moving here, I lived near Idaho Springs CO. When gambling was proposed, Idaho Springs voted it down but both Black Hawk and Central City, just over the mountain, drank the kool-aid. After seeing what a pig's breakfast resulted, our State Representative said, "But they told us it would just be a few slot machines. We had no idea it would be this bad."
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Lake City Resort - Page 2 Empty Re: Lake City Resort

Post by conejorapido Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:00 pm

gringal wrote:
Lady Otter Latté wrote:I agree, Slainte. Just saying there are other sides to all those coins. And, also, Lakeside is not PV.
At any rate, I will not be here to see whatever lakeside becomes. If some of the places you have mentioned are models of that, I am just as glad.

There is one thing missing at Lakeside that those other places have:  an ocean.  Lakes just aren't the same.  Nice, but not quite a cigar.  On the plus side, we don't get hurricanes. Very Happy

And Fonatur, the Mexican government agency that funded PV, Cancun and CSL

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