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Directions for parking at the Swarm at Viva Mexico in San Juan Cosala today

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Directions for parking at the Swarm at Viva Mexico in San Juan Cosala today Empty Directions for parking at the Swarm at Viva Mexico in San Juan Cosala today

Post by simpsca Thu Sep 11, 2014 8:39 am

Directions and parking and to the Swarm at Viva Mexico, San Juan Cosala today, Thurs, Sept. 11:
Pass the Raquet Club in San Juan Cosala. There is now a traffic light just past that. After the traffic light go two blocks to Vicente Guerrero (bright orange building on the left corner). You can park on the carraterra here and walk one block down hill, and left two doors to the restaurant.

Or you can make a left here and there is parking on the right in the first block. You can also make a right at the first intersection (the road work is on the left only) and park somewhere on the right.

You can also continue straight past the construction on Porfirio Diaz, go one block and turn right - there is lots of parking here on the right one block from the restaurant.

I suggest you car pool is you can and anyone who can't walk a block you can drop them off at the corner of Vicente Guerrero and Porfirio Diaz.

See you there 1pm tomorrow!
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