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Vaccine for private clinics

Carry Bean
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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Vaccine for private clinics

Post by CanuckBob Sun Jan 03, 2021 8:37 pm

I understand that the Mexican government will also be selling covid vaccine to private clinics so they can administer. Of course they will need to charge something to cover their costs to administer and keep cold. This is good. I'll be happy to pay and leave the free government shots to the less fortunate people.

I wonder which clinics locally will get involved?

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by Carry Bean Sun Jan 03, 2021 10:27 pm

I would think Quality Care would since before that announcement my doctor there said it might be 3 months. He didn’t seem happy about that. I too would be more than happy to pay. I’ll check with Lety.

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by BisbeeGal Mon Jan 04, 2021 5:20 am

The government will not sell the vaccine to private clinics.  What AMLO has said is that there is no law against private clinics buying the vaccine from manufacturers.  However, he warned that any purchases cannot in any way impact the vaccines on order by the Government.  

Since manufacturers are unable to keep up with the orders placed by Mexico (and every other country in the world), it will be awhile before there is an open marketplace for buying vaccines.
COVID-19 vaccine for the private sector. AMLO said that the vaccine distribution plan includes those who are working in the private healthcare sector. “It is going to be applied to doctors, nurses and health workers in the public and private sectors who treat COVID-19, although private hospitals do not have that many beds. In any case, those who work and treat COVID-19 in private hospitals will have the vaccine.” He also stated that he is not opposed to private groups and companies selling vaccines, but that will only happen when there are more vaccines in the market. So far, no private groups or companies have made the request to import vaccines.
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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by BisbeeGal Mon Jan 04, 2021 5:56 am


MEXICO CITY -- Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Monday he is not opposed to private companies buying coronavirus vaccines to distribute to patients who want to pay for the shots.

But he noted there isn’t much existing supply and warned companies not to try to buy vaccines already promised to the Mexican government.

“We are not opposed to commercializing the vaccine, to companies importing it and selling it to those who can pay,” López Obrador said. “The catch is the supply of vaccines in the world markets, because there still isn't enough production."

“We would be opposed if the ones we have under contract were to be given to a private company, that we would not permit and we would file a complaint,” he said.

Mexico's medical safety commission must grant approval for any vaccine. López Obrador said no company has yet applied to import vaccines privately.

But the issue is already clearly in the public arena, and experts have warned that fakes, frauds and thefts may start popping up amid the public's desperation to get a vaccine.

Wal-Mart de Mexico, the nation's largest retailer, had to issue a statement Monday denying a photo ad circulating online that depicts a coronavirus “vaccine” supposedly available for about $20.

“We are making clear that the information circulating on social media regarding a supposed supply of COVID-19 vaccine in our Mexico stores is false,” said a statement posted on the company's Twitter account.

López Obrador has been criticized by some in Mexico for centralizing vaccine purchases and distribution and for putting the effort — like many programs in his administration — in the hands of the military.

He says the military is best-equipped to manage the security and refrigeration chain some vaccines require.

The president has promised that vaccines will be free and available to everyone in Mexico, but so far the country has only received around 50,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine. To vaccinate 1.4 million health-care workers — the first in line to get the shots — Mexico would need 2.8 million doses.

The government is placing hopes on three vaccines now in or entering Phase 3 trials in Mexico. It announced that Novavax Inc. will be conducting part of its testing in Mexico. China's CanSino and Johnson & Johnson's Janssen Pharmaceutical business have also been conducting trials in Mexico.
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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by Jreboll Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:10 am

What’s the chance of being scammed? During desperate times, very high. I would check that the vial is properly labeled and the cap is intact.

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by BisbeeGal Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:32 am

Jreboll wrote:What’s the chance of being scammed?  During desperate times, very high.  I would check that the vial is properly labeled and the cap is intact.

Making a fake label is child's play.
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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by Jreboll Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:46 am

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by Carry Bean Mon Jan 04, 2021 7:31 am

More vaccines are nearing approval and those aren’t ones already contracted by the government.

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by Jreboll Mon Jan 04, 2021 7:40 am

All I’m saying is do your due diligence. Ask what vaccine they’re using. Google for images. Ask to see the unopened vial. See that they withdraw the dose in front of you.
Of course you should also know the individuals you’re dealing with.
I don’t mind being scammed out of a few bucks but I do mind having a false sense of security of having had the vaccine.

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by BisbeeGal Mon Jan 04, 2021 7:55 am

Carry Bean wrote:More vaccines are nearing approval and those aren’t ones already contracted by the government.
But the government can contract for more, whenever they want to.

Go to this chart to see how much vaccine has been ordered by country. Most are ordering 183% of population. Canada has orders to cover 300%; US is lower at 169%. Mexico way below average with 119%. They are likely to order more???
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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by Carry Bean Mon Jan 04, 2021 8:11 am

Yes they can but new reputable ones coming on the market likely won’t be contracted by Mexico if Mexico is able to get all they need from their already contracted sources. I guess time will tell. I’m not talking about whatever China puts out. Wouldn’t want that or a Russian vaccine. Let’s just hope we can get one soon. In my case, it’s 100% that I’ll die if I get Covid but I’m not stupid enough to go after some quack shot and a place like Quality Care wouldn’t dispense that anyway if they do decide to contract for a vaccine.

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by Chapalamed Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:14 pm

I spoke with Bob Howe about this. The logistics that are involved with IMPORTING a vaccine, getting it properly transported and then stored in appropriate freezers (Pfizer and Moderna vaccines) will be a challenge and most likely expensive for any practice, including ours or our new RMC hospital with the full support of reputable major medical distributors.

We will keep our patients and the community updated as much as possible via our Social Media outlets and our monthly newsletter if we should find a way to do it and have it be accesible in a cost-effective manner to the community.

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by rafterbr Tue Jan 05, 2021 11:28 pm

Our maid is very mad. She has had the virus and now has been told it will probably be 2022 before she will get the vaccine whereas the gringo's will be buying the vaccine.

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by BisbeeGal Wed Jan 06, 2021 6:42 am

AMLO has set out his vaccine plan for people aged 60+.  Will start in remote rural areas, then later will inoculate the elderly in large populated areas.  Seems counter-productive since the larger outbreaks have been in large cities, like CDMX.  But politically AMLO is more popular with the rural poor  

He seems to be designating the CanSino vaccine from China for the elderly.

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Tuesday set out plans to vaccinate the country's population and said the government hoped to inoculate the country's elderly by the end of March.

Vaccinating all "senior citizens" by the end of March would be a huge logistical challenge in a nation of 127 million people with shoddy medical services in vast rural areas.

"We are going to start at the bottom, where the most marginalized people live," Lopez Obrador told his daily morning news conference.

Lopez Obrador said the plan to vaccinate older adults in remote areas will rely on vaccines from Chinese company CanSino Biologics, in part because it requires a single shot and is easy to store. Pfizer's vaccine needs to be kept in special ultra-cold freezers.

Mexico has sought to order 35 million CanSino vaccines, with about 8 million arriving by March, officials say, though Mexico's regulator has yet to approve its use.

Mexico's vaccination drive would be carried out in 10,000 community centres serving small and remote towns and focusing on adults above 60 years of age. Medium sized towns and large cities would follow, Lopez Obrador said.
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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by brigitte Wed Jan 06, 2021 12:53 pm

agreed nothing else but politics.. The Indigenous and or poor have to go first only one problem, the poor indigenous in remote areas do not trust the government and do not want to be vaccinated...many of them died and or got sick bak early summer and seem to be doing fine now.. I am sure there are remote communities that do want the vaccine but those are exceptions.. It is going to be very interesting to me to see the government convince  people in remote areas they have to be vaccinated.. Unless they pay off the community leaders, good luck... One of the reason Chiapas is green is that indigenous do not go to the doctors when they get sick with fever and cough and the death is not reported as covid so there is no covid.. Yes the large cities are the centers of contamination , not the remote areas..People in remote areas get contaminated when their relative come back from the States, Tijuana, Mexico city etc.. but politic is politic..

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by brigitte Wed Jan 06, 2021 1:03 pm

agreed nothing else but politics.. The Indigenous and or poor have to go first only one problem, the poor indigenous in remote areas do not trust the government and do not want to be vaccinated...many of them dies and or got sick bak eary summer and seem to be doing fine now.. I am sure there are remote communities that do want the vaccine but those are exceptions.. It is gong to be very interesting to me to see the government convince  people in remote areas they have to be vaccinated.. Unless they pay off the community leaders, good luck... of the reason Chiapas is green is that indigenous do not go to the doctors when they get sick with fever and cough and the death are not reported as covid so there is no covid.. Yes the large cities are the centers of contamination , not the remote areas..People in remote areas get contaminated when they relative come back from the States, Tijuana, Mexico city etc..

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by Jreboll Wed Jan 06, 2021 6:13 pm

I got my Moderna-1 vaccine yesterday in San Antonio, Tx. Took place at a mall which was practically empty. No lines, no crowds, no waiting. In and out in 25 minutes. My arm is a little sore.
I signed in on-line with my name, DOB, and last 4 digits of SS. When I showed up all they asked was name and DOB. They’ll be doing 11000 shots over 6 days.

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by Jreboll Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:02 am

Uh, oh, I just read of a doctor who got thrombocytopenia 2 weeks after getting the Pfizer shot.

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by brigitte Fri Jan 15, 2021 9:27 am

One doctor with a reaction does not mean that everyone getting the vaccine will have a reaction. There are aways people with some type of reaction to any vaccine , any medication , that is why many test runs have to be made. When corners are cut the risks increase..that is life.

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by Jreboll Fri Jan 15, 2021 11:45 am

Thrombocytopenia is not a typical reaction. It is an autoimmune reaction where something triggers your t-cells to start attacking your platelets. I’ve had thrombocytopenia. That is why I was concerned.

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by RVGRINGO Fri Jan 15, 2021 1:40 pm

I got the Moderna vaccine at the McAllen, TX, VA Clinic this morning. It was fast and efficient, but I do wish they could have also given my wife a shot, which would have taken just a minute more, and the VA does have the ability to charge Medicare providers, etc. Meanwhile, she registers and waits; gets few responses, and is increasingly frustrated by the local SNAFU situations. My second shot will be in February.

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by rafterbr Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:15 pm

Received my vaccine shot today. My shot was different from most people as it was done by the Chickasaw Nation. A week ago I received a card from the tribe advising if I wanted the shot to call them. When I called they asked a few health questions and asked me what day and what time i wanted the shot. They than put in bar code my information. When I arrived I found they had several stations set up. The first station asked if I had my needed information such as my bar code and Chickasaw citizenship card. The next station asked if I wanted the test or the vaccination. The third station asked me for my information, and the fourth actually gave me my shot. All this time I never left the car, just rolled my window down. I wanted the Moderna vaccination but I was given the Pfizer since they had adequate freezing capability. I was given a pin button saying I had been vaccinated and a Vaccination Record Card. They put a stick paper on my windshield with the time on it and I was directed to a holding area. A person there recorded my name and informed me when to get the booster. She said they would call me to tell me what time to show up. They waited 15 minutes to make sure I had no reaction from the vaccine, inspected my arm and sent me on my way. In all it took about 30 minutes. I never had to leave my car.

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by brigitte Thu Jan 28, 2021 7:16 pm

rafterbr wrote:Our maid is very mad.  She has had the virus and now has been told it will probably be 2022 before she will get the vaccine whereas the gringo's will be buying the vaccine.

I suggest you buy the vaccine for her and if that will make her happy again..

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Vaccine for private clinics Empty Re: Vaccine for private clinics

Post by CanuckBob Fri Jan 29, 2021 7:25 am


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Post by artsnob Fri Jan 29, 2021 10:12 am

where is the covid vaccine going to be sold

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